Saturday 18 February 2012

Best Back exercises and Workouts


  1. starting position
  2. : The basic pullup is done with your hands facing away from you.  To width of the grip should be the same as the distance between your elbows when you point your arms directly out to the sides at right angles to your body.  The elbows point outward so the are in the same plane as your body.  Your arms are nearly straight, but not quite.  Your shoulders are down and back and they stay in this position the entire pullup – pretend you are holding a tennis ball between your shoulder blades.   Dont relax into a dead-hang at the bottom and let your shoulder come up to your ears.  OK, now that we have the basic starting position, slowly pull up on a two second count.
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Wednesday 8 February 2012


The proper way to train abs is widely debated by experts. In reality, what works for someone else may not work for you. Since everyone has a different body type, results will vary from person to person.

  • This exercises are so easy that Most already know how to perform this exercise. It is basic, yet highly effective. Abdominal crunches can be performed on various surfaces (mats, balls, etc.).
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